I credit you personally for resparking my love of xstitch. I had hip surgery last summer and was bed ridden for 2 months. I watched every one of your floss tube videos and fell in love with the art again. Thank you for all the work you put into them and sharing all of your hints and tips. You got me through a very difficult time. Please know you have made a huge positive impact on my life and never knew it. Just imagine how many more like me there are out there. So happy to have something fun in my life!
You resparked my love of stitching - Jen, Facebook
Hi Dana, I just wanted to thank you. A couple of weeks ago a friend and I bought some cross-stitching kits from a Walmart in our town, but the whole thing seemed really daunting–especially when neither of us had ever cross-stitched before. Not wanting to admit defeat, I turned to google and found your YouTube channel. Your tutorials helped me get started on cross-stitching, and I have been having such a wonderful time with it. It’s honestly helped me with the stresses of my daily life to have something that I can go to while I’m studying for exams, out with friends just enjoying a sunny day, or alongside a good movie. With each thing I stitch, I can feel myself improving and it really is thanks to your channel showing me that anyone can cross-stitch. Thanks again, and keep being amazing!
Anyone can cross stitch - Kelsey, email
Thank you Dana!! Your videos from YouTube are what got me into cross stitching and have helped me SO much in my journey! You are so inspiring to me. Keep up the good work!
You are so inspiring to me - Hayley, email
Thank you so much for all of the info in your replies. They were so thoughtful and covered so much and I greatly appreciate the time you took to write me back. After reading your comments I decided to steer clear of that free cross stitch software. I’d heard someone on YouTube say that they were using it so I thought I’d give it a try, but I was turned off by some of its limitations. And then after reading your comment that people who had stitched from those patterns were unhappy, I decided to not use it. So thank you for saving me countless hours!
Thank you for saving me countless hours! - Stephen, email
Your video was very helpful to me. I am just getting back into cross stitch after years of not doing it. I thought cross country was when you stitched straight across fabric. So I thank you for explaining that. I was also losing faith in my stitches but you really made me feel better.
Your video was very helpful to me - Donna, YouTube
Ah the twins…talent and imagination! I think you are doing a fab job! I give you loads of credit for your patience.
I think you are doing a fab job! - May, Facebook
What an enjoyable video. I picked up on the different ways you are stitching this beautiful piece and tried to see how that worked by putting it full screen. You are a skilled artist, stitcher and floss-tuber! … Love your ingenuity in making a stand for your scroll frame. I’m going to sign up for your mailing list now too. … I look forward to future videos on using MacStitch. I’m the proud owner of MacStitch 2014 and am confident that your videos will assist me in widening my use of the software. Looking forward to seeing you work with the print function. So grateful.
You are a skilled artist, stitcher and floss-tuber! - Zoe, YouTube
Very interesting tips and tricks. Quite like your stand. Great piece, very impressive! Happy stitching!
Very interesting tips and tricks - Nina, YouTube
Thanks for the tutorial! I use the front loop method to start, but hate having to turn over to tie off! I think the pin stitch will help with that! I am going to give it a try tonight!!!! ???? [later the same evening…] I have been using it all night and LOVE it!!!!!!! ???????? [a few days later…] “I am using your pin stitch every day and LOVE it!!”
Thanks for the tutorial! - Judy, YouTube
That is beautiful and gives those of us with disabilities great inspiration!!! I’ve given up crocheting doilies because of hand/wrist issues but am going to try doing it again!! Thank you Dana!!!!
Great Inspiration - Suzanne, Facebook