Cross Stitch Alphabets
Express yourself with these cross stitch alphabets! If you've ever wanted to customize any of your Peacock & Fig patterns with your own words, then these cross stitch alphabets will help you do that! Change out certain words to express your personality, or create your own custom cross stitch pattern. You can even stitch the alphabet as charted as your own cross stitch sampler. Click here for a video tutorial about how to use these cross stitch alphabets.
Each alphabet pattern comes with:
- full colour preview image
- one-page pattern for digital devices (viewable with any PDF reader app or software)
- black & white chart
- floss usage chart
- thread sorter
- blank chart to draft your design
- full colour photo instructions showing how to customize an existing chart
- optional "How to Cross Stitch" PDF available at checkout
- dozens of cross stitch tutorial videos available on the Peacock & Fig YouTube channel
All cross stitch patterns are copyright Dana Batho and are for personal use only. Reselling or redistributing patterns in any way is prohibited unless prior written consent has been granted by the designer. You are permitted to make a working copy of the pattern to stitch from. Commercial use of the pattern is prohibited. Please see the terms of use for more information, or contact the designer.
Want a tutorial on how to use these alphabets?
Just click the button below to be taken to a blog post and video tutorial.
Vintage Sass Collection

Vintage Sass Alphabet 1 Cross Stitch Pattern
This very popular cross stitch alphabet pattern adds a bit of elegance and whimsy to any cross stitch project. The Vintage Sass 1 cross stitch alphabet is featured in the Maybe Wine Will Help pattern, Stitch & Drink Wine, and several others in the Vintage Sass Collection. This pattern is also available with the with the Vintage Sass 2 cross stitch alphabet pattern in the Vintage Sass Alphabet cross stitch pattern set.

Vintage Sass Alphabet 2 Cross Stitch Pattern
This beautifully elegant cross stitch alphabet will turn any quote into a gorgeous patttern. The Vintage Sass Alphabet 2 is featured in the Get Ducked pattern, No More Ducks, So Much Nope, and That’s What She Said patterns in the Vintage Sass Collection. This pattern is also available with the with the Vintage Sass 1 cross stitch alphabet pattern in the Vintage Sass Alphabet cross stitch pattern set.

Vintage Sass Alphabet Cross Stitch Pattern Set
This cross stitch pattern set includes both Vintage Sass alphabet patterns (Vintage Sass 1 and Vintage Sass 2). Express your personality and create customized cross stitch patterns with these elegant calligraphic fonts.
Spirited Animals Collection

Backstitch Alphabets Cross Stitch Pattern
Need to create your own cross stitch text in a pattern? These beautiful backstitch alphabets will enhance any design. The top alphabet is featured in the Too Glam to Give a Damn pattern in the Spirited Animals Collection. This pattern is also available with the with the Spirited Animals 3 cross stitch alphabet pattern in the Spirited Animals Alphabet cross stitch pattern set.

Spirited Animals Alphabet 3 Cross Stitch Pattern
This ornate cross stitch alphabet is featured in patterns such as I’m Fabulous, Queen Bee, The Struggle is Real, Be the Flamingo, and the rest of the Spirited Animals Collection (excluding Too Glam to Give a Damn). The alphabet comes in two sizes to be adaptable and give you a lot of flexibility when adapting or creating your patterns. This pattern is also available in a set with the Backstitch Alphabets cross stitch pattern.

Spirited Animals Alphabet Cross Stitch Pattern Set
This set includes both Spirited Animals alphabet patterns (Alphabet 3 and Backstitch Alphabets). Express your personality and create customized cross stitch patterns with the elegant backstitch fonts and ornate full stitch fonts.
Adulting 101 Collection

Adulting 101 Alphabet 1 Cross Stitch Pattern
Are you loving the calligraphic alphabet featured in the Adulting 101 cross stitch pattern collection, but want to make alterations to some of the text? Or maybe you want to customize a pattern for a loved one. This pretty calligraphic alphabet cross stitch chart includes full instructions for use, as well as all upper case letters, lower case letters, and numbers. This pattern is also available with the Adulting 101 Alphabet 2 pattern in the Adulting 101 Alphabet Pattern Set.

Adulting 101 Alphabet 2 Cross Stitch Pattern
If you love the uppercase alphabet featured in the Adulting 101 cross stitch pattern collection, now you can make your own alterations to some of the text! Or maybe you want to customize a pattern for a loved one. This pretty all caps alphabet cross stitch chart includes full instructions for use, as well as all uppercase letters and numbers. This pattern is also available with the Adulting 101 Alphabet 1 pattern in the Adulting 101 Alphabet Pattern Set.

Adulting 101 Cross Stitch Alphabet Pattern Set
Can’t get enough of the pretty calligraphic font used in the Adulting 101 cross stitch pattern collection, or the quirky uppercase font? Get your stitchy groove on with this alphabet pattern set, which includes the Alphabet 1 and Alphabet 2 patterns.
Additional Alphabet Charts

Small Script Alphabet Cross Stitch Pattern
Have you ever wanted to add text into a pattern, or make your own cross stitch quote, but it’s hard to find letters the right size? This small script alphabet cross stitch pattern has been designed to give the pretty look of a calligraphic script, but at a size that’s smaller when stitched up. Cross stitch letters can be difficult to create quite small as it’s so easy to lose the detail of the individual letters and numbers, but this chart balances the size with legibility and style.