Book Review: Bead Embroidery Stitches and Techniques by Hazel Blomkamp

Book Review: Bead Embroidery Stitches and Techniques by Hazel Blomkamp

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This book review is about Hazel Blompkamp’s newest book (and an online flip book) “Bead Embroidery Stitches and Techniques for Surface Embroidery and Crazy Patchwork.” It’s 180 pages, and covers information about various types of beads, materials, forty bead embroidery stitches, and thirty 3D bead elements and how to attach them to your project. I reviewed Hazel’s book Crewel Intentions here, and for those of you who may have tried to purchase it from her you may have had difficulty due to the cost of shipping via courier from South Africa where Hazel lives. So she wanted to try something new, and offer her newest book online only at first. Links to the book and additional resources are also below the video, I hope you enjoy the review. 😊



Hazel Blomkamp beading stitch map example

Examples of some of the “stiching maps” in the book


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