Create your own dandelion hand embroidery project

Create your own dandelion hand embroidery project

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Have you ever wondered how to go about making your own hand embroidery project, completely from scratch? In this simple tutorial, I’ll show you how to use three stitches (split stitch, backstitch, and straight stitch) to make a cute little dandelion hand embroidery. Watch the tutorial below and follow along!


Materials needed:

  • Embroidery needle (I’m using a #6)
  • Embroidery floss (I’m using DMC 844 and 745)
  • Scissors
  • Fabric (I’m using simple quilting cotton)
  • 4” hoop (if you want a bigger project, feel free to use a bigger hoop)
  • Marker pen (FriXion pen, water soluble fabric marker, etc)
  • Felt (if you want to finish the back of the hoop with felt, for finishing instructions check out this tutorial)



Tips and techniques:

  • To draw the image onto the fabric, you may find it easier to draw on the fabric once it’s stretched in the hoop (as I demonstrate in the video)
  • For your image, you can use public domain photography sites such as Pexels (here is the link to the photo I used), Unsplash, Pixabay, etc
  • Draw using a FriXion pen or water soluble marker (or a permanent pen or pencil if you are careful to cover the lines)


Stitch split stitch and backstitch:

  • I’m using 3 strands for the split stitch and backstitch


Straight stitch

  • I’m using two strands for the seed pods in straight stitch
  • For the seed pods, it’s totally ok to overlap lines to make it fuller, and add more in if desired


Dandelion hand embroidery project


Feel free to tag me @peacockandfig on Instagram or Facebook, I’d love to see your projects and what you created! 🙂

Create your own dandelion hand embroidery project
Article Name
Create your own dandelion hand embroidery project
In this simple tutorial, I'll show you how to use three stitches (split stitch, backstitch, and straight stitch) to make a cute little dandelion hand embroidery.
Publisher Name
Peacock & Fig
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