If you’ve been in any online forum or group for long enough, at some point the dreaded “c” word will come up — copyright. It’s an issue that affects both designers and stitchers, as well as the stitching industry at large. So I thought I’d go through a few of the basics, so stitchers can understand whether they’re getting a legal pattern or whether they’ve unfortunately purchased an illegal copy.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer, nor an IP (intellectual property) expert. Some of the things I’ll be saying are based on my own research, or my time as a cyber threat analyst and intelligence officer. If you have any questions about IP or copyright, please speak to an attorney specializing in this field.
The basics of copyright
Copyright is a legal term basically meaning that a creation is original, and from one person (or company). For example, when I design a pattern based on my own original art, both the art and the pattern are my copyright. It’s traditional to mark this with the copyright symbol (©), but it’s not legally necessary. If I paint an image, and then make a cross stitch pattern from it, that’s called a “derivative” work, the pattern was derived from the painting. Because the art is my copyright, I obviously don’t need to ask myself for permission to make a derivative work. 🙂
When designing, copyright has several implications. For certain commissions, the copyright will transfer to the company commissioning the design. This means the designer cannot replicate that design and sell it themselves, they’d be breaching their contract. An example would be a graphic designer working for a design company — any designs created while working for that company are the copyright of the company, not the original designer. Of course the designer can use the images in a portfolio (as long as this isn’t prohibited in their contract), but they cannot resell or reuse those images. For many magazine commissions, designers retain the copyright, but the rights to sell the pattern remain with the magazine for the first 6 months after publication. Once the six months are up, the designer can sell the pattern themselves.
Free cross stitch patterns
Many designers offer free cross stitch patterns, either on their Facebook page or group, or on their website. For example, the free Peacock & Fig cross stitch patterns are available to members of the Peacock Lounge (you can sign up here to access them). Some of the free patterns are featured in the photo, the Peacock Feather is really popular. 🙂
Sometimes designers will share images of their free patterns on social media, including sites like Pinterest. Unfortunately, there are also ridiculous amounts of illegal patterns being shared as “free” patterns on sites like Pinterest too. If a chart doesn’t lead to the original designers page, or to a trusted and well-known site like DMC, then there’s a very high probability that the pattern was illegally uploaded. Here’s DMC’s free pattern site, they commission designers to create this lovely collection of patterns. There are also other legitimate free sites, like Daily Cross Stitch, and free patterns offered on stitching magazine’s websites.
Cross stitch patterns for purchase
And of course, there are thousands of incredibly talented designers out there you can purchase cross stitch patterns from. Many have their own websites (like some of my talented friends like Shannon Christine, Faby Reily, and Julie Jackson of Subversive Cross Stitch) and many others sell via online marketplaces like Etsy. Some designers even sell by Amazon or eBay, but that is much rarer. In order to keep designing and providing new exciting designs, obviously the designers need to be paid for their work, whether that’s through direct sales of their designs, wholesaling the patterns to needlework shops, or commissions with magazines and companies like DMC. For an example of the design process and how intensive it can be, please check out this short video below of my own design process.
So what’s the problem with copyright infringement?
There are two main issues with copyright infringement — designers lose money and their reputations can be damaged, and the stitcher often ends up with an inferior quality pattern.
For the stitcher, often people who are stealing images to sell as patterns online aren’t designers themselves. Thus the patterns are purely put through software without cleaning them up, making sure the colours are accurate, making sure the art is properly licensed or used with permission, etc. So the stitcher ends up with a massive chart that has 90+ colours in it, many of which are totally unnecessary. This makes buying floss for the pattern very expensive. The colours are often skewed too as the person making the chart doesn’t know how to adjust the colours and details for the best effect. It’s not uncommon at all for the finished piece to end up looking totally different than the image on the front of the pattern.
Also, one less-known “issue” with downloading illegal patterns (particularly from “free” sites) is that often the digital files (or the site itself) is a host for malware. Nothing is truly ever free, and there are many sites that are set up as a “honey pot.” No one would ever suspect something as ordinary as a stitching website to actually be the equivalent of a cyber trap, so visitors tend to not be suspicious. So it’s not uncommon for those free files to actually be a means to transfer malware or spyware to your computer, the same way many “free” music or movie downloads can infect your computer. There has been a massive increase of ransomware in the past few years — the virus will lock your computer so it’s totally useless, and you must pay money to the ransomware creator or website host to get your computer unlocked.
For the designers, seeing their designs being uploaded to illegal sites have serious and often career-threatening costs. One designer friend told me that with just one popular pattern of hers that was stolen and illegally uploaded to a sharing site, she’s lost approximately $10,000 in revenue. From one pattern, on one site. That can make or break the ability to continue designing. If the designers aren’t getting revenue they can’t afford the software and business systems they need (like their website), and they can’t afford to spend months designing and stitching collections for their fans and customers. Many designers do end up quitting because of the financial losses.
Even large companies can suffer losses. It’s incredible how much money is spent on counterfeit goods, and it’s easy to forget the thousands of jobs that are created by big companies that do affect real people. In addition, counterfeit patterns can create serious problems for the reputation of the company. People might think it’s a real product, and then get upset when it turns out to be a bad quality they’ve wasted time and money on. That’s why companies such as Disney are quite fierce about protecting their copyright — their characters are all they have to distinguish themselves. There definitely are businesses that pretend they are allowed to sell copyrighted characters (like Disney) by adding in their own copyright information. Many shoppers won’t realize that’s illegal — it’s the equivalent of stealing a vehicle, scraping off the VIN number, and trying to resell it as your property. Here’s an example of one way shops do this, you can see the shop had put their business name after the pattern name as if it was designed by them. I’ve blocked out the business name, but that’s pretty common (or seeing ©shop name in the listing description). It can cost tens of thousands of dollars (or more) for a commercial license for one Disney product, so it’s highly unlikely any cross stitch designer could afford that. Disney is also very selective about who they will issue licenses to (like Thomas Kindkade patterns are properly licensed with Disney’s approval).
There are also losses that are beyond financial. Seeing someone steal a design and either claim it as their own or upload it to a sharing site is incredibly hurtful and disheartening. It’s the equivalent of someone coming into your home and stealing something you spent a lot of time and love on. Here’s an example, on the left is a pattern I created for my best friend’s parents, he passed away suddenly in January and I felt the need to create something to memorialize him. It’s representing the massive hole he left in our hearts. I got the blackwork pattern (called a diaper pattern) from a stitching book I have, and adapted it to create the heart shape in the centre. On the right is a copy I found in a stitching group, the person who posted it claimed they made the pattern up and it wasn’t copied from mine. You can clearly see every stitch is identical, it was just continued into a rectangular shape. This was a very distressing experience, particularly considering the meaning behind the pattern. I had never released the actual pattern publicly for that reason, I had only ever shown the finished photo once on Instagram and once on Facebook in early February just before his funeral.
So what can you do?
Thankfully, there are actually many ways to protect yourself from ending up with illegal patterns (whether free or paid). Below are some tips that might help you the next time you go shopping online, or someone forwards you a “great” site for free patterns.
- For sites you’re not familiar with (or online shops), have a quick scroll through the patterns available. If you see any Disney patterns, or any characters that are copyrighted (like Deadpool, Pokemon, Winnie the Pooh, etc), there’s a very high probability that the patterns are illegal. If they are very different from the originals (like the fantastic parodies of various characters done by Cloudsfactory), then they’re legal. A parody of an original design is ok, but a direct copy from an image that’s been taken from online or a photograph isn’t. Fan art is a very murky legal area, I won’t delve into it here as it does depend on whether the original artist encourages fan art or not. It’s no fun for the stitcher, as people do want popular characters and such, especially for kids who are demanding a pattern of their favourite character. Unfortunately legal versions of those characters are very rare, due to the costs of obtaining commercial licenses. And even if a pattern is free, it’s not legal to use art or images without permission or proper licensing.
- Another giveaway the site is probably selling/giving away illegal patterns is if there is a massive range of styles. Each designer has a very unique style, so unless it’s a company like those listed above that properly license artists and sell the patterns, it’s probable that the patterns are illegal.
- The prices are too cheap. A designer pattern can be anywhere from $5 to $15 (or up), depending on the complexity of the pattern. A good indication of someone not designing their own patterns is if they sell the pattern really cheaply. This isn’t the only indicator, but it is an important one.
- The artwork is clearly modern, but there is no licensing information in the description. If the art is from a well known artist from after 1923 (like Georgia O’Keeffe), and there’s nothing in the listing saying the images were used with permission of her estate, they’re likely illegal.
- If the site is hosted in China or Russia. This is a big generalization, as there are many very talented Chinese and Russian designers with legitimate websites. But if you know you’re on a site that is hosted in those countries, look for other signs you might be on an illegal sharing site.
- If a free chart is a scan from a magazine page (or a photocopy of a chart or magazine), it’s illegal. If it’s just the chart (and usually doesn’t have a colour key), it might be illegal, but see if any of the other warning signs also apply.
- Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, AliExpress, etc. These sites can have legitimate patterns, but often they’re copies of stolen art and designs and resold. If the prices for a pattern are a lot lower on these sites than on the designer’s website, there’s a good chance it’s an illegal pattern.
- You can do a reverse image search in Google to see if the pattern really is original, or if it was stolen from another designer or shop.
Hopefully this hasn’t confused you too much! Thankfully most people are very honest, and understand that fake patterns affect their ability to keep stitching lovely projects in the long term. If you ever see a “free” pattern from a designer you know and you aren’t sure whether it’s legitimate or not, please do contact the designer. They can tell you straight away whether it’s a pattern they’ve authorized, and if not it allows the designer to start the legal process to get the pattern removed. You can also often report copyright infringements to the company (such as Disney), here’s Disney’s info about reporting an infringement. Also, many Facebook group admins are really good at spotting fake patterns, so if you send them a message with a link to a pattern you’re looking to buy, they’ll be able to tell you whether it’s legitimate or not. If you’re a designer, or you’re not sure of the legal intricacies in your country, then please do contact an IP or copyright lawyer. Like I said, I’m not a lawyer so I can’t give any legal advice. But it’s always good to be aware of the general issues, so you know what to look out for.
If you’d like some more information about the issues of copyright, here’s a great article that breaks down some of the more common myths. And click the image below to access a handy downloadable quick reference checklist.
Happy stitching!

34 Responses
Fantastic article! Thank you so much for the very detailed information.
My question is regarding retired patterns. Am I right in assuming that even once the company has retired the design and no longer selling it, that they retain their copyright standing?
I purchased a design from Etsy that was questionable in its ownership but I couldn’t locate it anywhere after an extensive google search. I have now discovered it’s a retired chart.
Is it illegal for me to stitch it for my own personal use?
Dana Batho
Hi Carolyn! I’m assuming you mean you didn’t buy it from the original designer, but potentially someone who had uploaded it illegally. According to copyright law, you shouldn’t have it as it’s basically stolen property, thus the license to use it for your own use that would come with a purchase couldn’t be transferred to you (as the seller didn’t have that licensing right to give). Having said that, you have it now, and might as well stitch it. But what I would recommend is not sharing the image of your WIP or finished piece publicly (like don’t share images of it in stitching groups on Facebook, etc), or the name of the project you’re working on. The reason is that it’s technically breaching the original designer’s copyright (retired doesn’t mean they’ve given up their copyright, it just means they’re not offering it for sale anymore). Plus then you might get people asking where did you get that, I’ve been looking for that for years, etc, and that may accidentally drive traffic to the thief’s shop. Etsy can be very “problematic” for stolen charts, as it’s up to the original designer to report the stolen design to Etsy to take down. Plus a lot of shop owners simply don’t care about the law, they may be based overseas where the laws are more lax or they simply want to make a fast buck. If you found out who the original designer is and they’re still alive or have an estate that’s being managed, I’d recommend contacting the designer with the link to the item you purchased (assuming it’s still active), and the designer can report the shop directly to Etsy themselves. And of course, some of the tips I’ve recommended in this post should help you determine if a pattern is likely a stolen design or not (trust your instincts, they’re usually right).
Hope that helps! 😊
Cath cath
Hi! I have a question. Is it okay if I sell my finished work when its pattern came from a free cross stitch pattern maker? In this site, I just have to upload an image I wished to create a cross stitch version and they are the ones to create the pattern for it.
Dana Batho
Hi Cath! It depends — you didn’t say where the image came from that you uploaded. It has nothing to do with the software you use (whether it’s free or paid), it has to do with the origin of the image. If it’s a photo you took, art you drew, whatever, absolutely it’s fine to sell it, that’s what designers do — they create art, make a pattern, then sell it. But if you uploaded the image from something you found on the internet (and it wasn’t from a true public domain site like Pixabay, Unsplash, etc), then even making the pattern out of it could be a breach of copyright. If it’s not your image and it was created in the last 70 years or so (that’s a generalization, some things like Dr Suess, Disney etc are covered for longer than that), then you must ask for permission before even using it for a pattern or any other use, the image does not belong to you. Hope that makes sense! 🙂 Also, be aware that a lot of free software doesn’t create good patterns (aka what you think you’re getting is very different than how it will stitch up), so do make sure you’re test stitching any pattern you want to sell. Otherwise you could be ending up with angry customers when their patterns look nothing like the preview image, or they just don’t look “right” because you were using free software. Paid software is always going to have better rendering, better colour calibration, etc. 🙂
Friday Links :: Hummus, Role Models, Cuckoo Clocks – Carina's Craftblog
[…] important issue not just for embroidery designers: What’s the big deal about copyright? and Copyright on designs, what it is and how it works. {via […]
I am “designing” a pattern primarily for my use that has a floral garland. To be completely honest I have copied the flower shaping from 1 pattern book, 4 kits and various online sources. The words were from free alphabets except the word “is” came from a kit pattern (each word is a different font.)
I go back and forth on if it would be copyright violation or grey area. I have no intention of selling the pattern
Dana Batho
Hi Christi! I’m sorry but I can’t advise you on whether that’s copyright infringement or not — I’m not a lawyer. If you’re combining a whole bunch of different elements in new ways that don’t look anything like the original, then you’re likely ok. But again, I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t want to say yes or no either way, often copyright infringement cases are only officially “decided” once they go to court as there can be a lot of grey area.
Great article! Thanks for the information. I have a couple of questions though… maybe you address them in a different article? 1. So is there a way to protect your work? If you’re selling on Etsy, for example, do designers use watermarks on their photos, etc.? What are some ways to protect your work from getting stolen? 2. I am very interested in creating designs using song lyrics and potentially selling the designs in the future, but I’m very wary about “stealing” lyrics. If I give credit, just like with a quote, on the actual piece, is this enough? Do you know what the legalities are about that or have a resource I could check out? Thanks again! I look forward to looking through your site a bit more.
Dana Batho
Hi Sarah! Your work automatically has copyright protection as soon as you make it, but usually you need to register it with your federal copyright office to give you additional protections (aka you can take someone to court easier). But registering costs money, can take months or longer, and sometimes there are restrictions on what (and when) you can apply to get something registered. Each country is different, you’d have to look into that on your own. Same as using lyrics, you would have to get permission from the company that holds the rights to those lyrics (aka the original artist, their music label, etc). So it’s best to completely steer clear of lyrics and make up your own quotes, etc, then you don’t have the legal expense of potentially having to talk to copyright lawyers to do research on a particular item. If you use something without permission and you get caught, you can get sued back into the Stone Age, so it’s seriously not worth the risk. 🙂
Hello, Dana!
The article is interesting and really good. I read it with pleasure. Still I have one small objection. The thing is, nowadays in Russia there are many-many and more cross stitch designers who are very concerned with IP issues: they buy illustrations for their designs from artists, they sign contarcts… There are special lectures on IP and copyright for designers, too, provided by one of most famous of us in our country.
I can’t speak for all, of course, but I insure you that things are much better than you suppose.
Yours sincerely,
a novice cross stitch designer from Russia
Dana Batho
Hi Polina! That’s awesome to hear, there are so many incredibly talented designers from Russia! 🙂 I’m not trying to slam the whole country obviously, it’s just that there are some very well known massive illegal sharing sites hosted on Russian servers. So it’s just one thing of many that people should check if they’re not sure they’re getting an illegal pattern. The legit designers sites are very obvious they’re legal, the designs are cohesive and really unique (and no Disney). 😀
Thank you)
We are ourselves concerned in protection of our designs, because there are cases when some dishonest buyers for some reason distribute bought designs for free, it is true. Fortunately, it is not a global tendency. The worst thing is to find some chinese illegal kit with someone’s pattern(
I’m glad to know in Europe people respect our (designers’) work and IP rights!
Dana Batho
I know eh, it’s awful, usually the pattern is the cheapest part of your project and yet people want to steal them… 🙁 I’m based in Canada, but I have many American and European friends who are also very concerned with copyright. One friend almost had to give up designing entirely recently due to her patterns being illegally uploaded, she’s very ill and that was almost the last straw. A lot of people have really screwy ideas about what is legal and what isn’t, which is why I wanted to write this post to give people a more informed view of what copyright actually is, and how theft hurts designers.
I am really sorry about your friend(
Wish there would be more such articles and more honest and trust-worthy buyers!
Dana Batho
I agree, all we can do is try and educate people that their actions really do hurt people, and can destroy careers.
Kathy Osborne
Hi, thanks for a very interesting article. My question is about copyright of a different kind, I like to customise some of my cross stitching by adding lyrics from famous songs, am I allowed to add someone’s lyrics to my stitching? I would not be selling the finished piece but I would post it on my Instagram account and would credit the songwriters. Could you advice me if I would be infringing copyright by doing this. Many thanks
Dana Batho
Hi Kathy! Copyright is copyright, aka you’d have to ask permission from the lyricist/band/record studio, whoever “owns” the lyrics, if that’s ok. Yes you see lyrics on a lot of things out there, but either they’ve gotten permission or paid for licensing, or it’s illegal (and we never see the “followup” action of those who own the rights to the lyrics, the item in question often just disappears along with the company or person who made it). Whether you sell the piece or not is irrelevant, if you’re going to share it publicly then just crediting the songwriters isn’t enough. That’s their creative work, and they need to be paid (or give permission) for its use in any other format (often called a “derivative work”). Now whether you’d be caught and/or penalized, I don’t know, but it definitely would breach their copyright. Hope that helps! 😊
Copyright on designs, what it is and how it works / CloudsFactory
[…] is a great post about copyright on Poeacock & Fig. Anyway I felt that some people miss the bases of the entire issue. When designers complain about […]
Marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon, Ebay,… should verify the veracity of the original work. They are responsible for the products they sell.
Dana Batho
They should, but they rely on the copyright owners to report infringements (over and over and over), they have no incentive to do anything otherwise as they make money from the sales. Even if someone else reports an infringement (like even for blatantly obvious infringements like Disney), only the copyright holder can legally file the report.
Christine Chipman
What if you legally purchase an original design, say for a pincushion or some other small item, is it illegal to sell that product you actually stitch, and which you also have put a lot of work into?
Dana Batho
Hi Christine! That depends on the pattern. Some will specifically say that commercial use of the finished object is not permitted, others won’t. There is debate as to legally whether the pattern designer holds the copyright to just the pattern, or to the finished object as well. It’s a gray area legally, so the best thing to do is to ask the designer. 🙂
Once you buy a pattern, legally there is no restrictions on what you can do with the item you make with it, including selling the item. Lots of people, especially people that do make patterns, will tell you that you can’t sell items made with it, or limit what you can do. Legally, the only thing they have copyright on is the PATTERN — you can’t make copies and distribute or sell the pattern. However, you can do whatever you want with the finished product. The only gray area legally is if you are going to have another company make the item for you in bulk; people ran into this with copyrighted character fabric.
Dana Batho
Yes, I’m aware that designers cannot control the finished product Christine — I didn’t say anywhere in the article that you could. However, if a designer has made that part of their terms of service (aka you agree to not sell the finished items), then it’s a legal grey area whether that’s enforceable in court as the person purchasing the pattern has agreed to that term upon purchase. I’m pretty sure I saw a good article about that issue in the Craft Industry Alliance Journal about a year ago or so. Also many character fabrics do have printed in the selvedge “for personal use only”, meaning that the purchaser of the fabric isn’t permitted to make say makeup pouches and then resell them. Fabric is a whole different arena, there is so much grey area in that. 🙂
I wonder if it is illegal to find a picture with Google, covert it to make a pattern and stitch it – if it’s for personal use only and not for sale.
Dana Batho
Hi Irina! Yes, that’s illegal. As I state in the article, unless you have permission to use the image, it’s so old (like before 1923) that it’s in the public domain, or you’ve bought a commercial license to use the image, it’s not permitted to use the image. Money has nothing to do with it, it’s using someone else’s property (their image) without their permission. There are lots of sites that do have photographs licensed under the Creative Commons license (like unsplash.com), most of those are able to be used and you don’t need permission or need to attribute the original photographer. Hope that helps! 🙂
Irina Antonova
Yes, it does, thank you Dana!
Dana Batho
Haha you’re welcome! 🙂
How do you know if just the words/saying can legally be created? For example, No selfies in the bathroom. I’ve seen that everywhere. Is it illegal to use the words but graph my own alphabet font and design a picture.
Dana Batho
Hi Sues! I’m not a lawyer so you’ll have to do research yourself as well, but from my understanding you can’t use something that’s clearly affiliated with a particular source. Like song lyrics would fall under that if they are obviously from one source (like you wouldn’t be able to copyright “I love you so much” or “You’re my angel”). You can get commercial licenses to use lyrics, but it’s something you’d have to research on a case by case basis. Lots of people try and trademark phrases (like there are a ton of applications for “Nevertheless, she persisted”), but they’re pretty much always turned down as trademarking has to do with your company’s branding (like I couldn’t use “Just Do It” as a slogan for my company, it belongs to Nike). There are many online bullies who will try and force people to stop using a phrase, but they actually have no legal basis for their statement. When in doubt, contact a lawyer. 🙂
Great post. I was wondering about the restrictions or concerns regarding selling the actual item stitched (not selling a replica pattern). For example if I purchase a pattern made the work and frame it then wanted to sell it at a local craft fair or online. I try to get most of my patterns from books and magazines and sometimes combine elements of different patterns together to add my own flair.
Dana Batho
Hi Kimmy! Many designers specifically say in their patterns that they are for personal use and the finished products cannot be sold. The information is either on the pattern itself or on the copyright notice in the listing or the designer’s website (or in the magazine). But there are also many that say a designer can’t enforce such a restriction and that their copyright extends only to the pattern, not the finished product. Whether the designer can enforce that restriction or not, I’m not sure. The easiest way to know is to contact the designer (or magazine) directly and ask. Most are fine with a one-off piece being sold, it’s the more commercial production of their patterns that they’d have a problem with. 🙂
This is fascinating. I’ve recently been curious as to what I can legally turn into a cross stitch pattern and sell. For example, a scene in a movie that I take the screen shot of and edit it into a pattern. Or even murals around my city that I’ve been interested in creating neighborhood cross stitches for. Any idea where the line is drawn? I love to use pop culture and city pride in my designs but I don’t want to steal someone’s design and pass it off as my own.
Dana Batho
Hi Cassi! You’d have to talk to a lawyer, but unless you get permission to use those movie screenshots (or the artist’s murals) as a pattern, you’re breaching their copyright. For the murals you’d have to get permission of the artist (or maybe the city if it was a commission). The only truly legal ways to use someone else’s creation that I know of (particularly modern) is to get their permission, buy a commercial license, or make a parody (which is completely different from the original, just doing a little editing of a screenshot isn’t a parody). Like look at Cloudsfactory’s patterns that I link to in the article and you’ll see what I mean about what a parody is. You can find a ton of people using modern pop culture in patterns, and if it’s involving lyrics or characters or whatnot, I’m guessing that probably at least 90% of it is illegal and they’re just hoping they don’t get caught. The best way to turn your ideas into patterns is to use your own designs, then you don’t have to worry about being dragged off to court and losing everything in bankruptcy. 🙂