I love it when my readers and viewers write to me and ask me questions. Maybe there’s something that they needed a little extra explanation on, or they’ve come across a situation that I didn’t address in a video. In this newest video, I show how to do what I call a “mini pin stitch.” I did a video a few months back about how to do a pin stitch to end (or start) a thread, and I’ve gotten some great feedback and responses to it. At the time of writing this post that video alone has had almost 2000 views which is amazing to me, I’m so glad so many people have found it helpful.
A few weeks ago I got an email from one of my readers asking what to do if the square beside where you want to put your pin stitch has already been stitched over. This is a great question – I totally get how if you’re either working a full coverage piece and get “stuck” in the middle surrounded by other colours completely, or at the edge of the piece and not wanting to stitch into the border area, how it might be tricky to use a pin stitch. I told her there are a couple of ways to do it. One is to try and “hide” the stitch in between the layers of the threads in the Aida fabric, which you can see me doing in the original demonstration video. Another way to do it (and what I often do) is do a “mini pin stitch.” I’m not sure if there’s an actual term for the stitch, that’s just what I call it. Basically how I do a mini pin stitch is to hide the pin stitch in the bits of fabric still showing at the top and bottom and sides of the X of the stitch. I sent my reader a little illustration of what I meant, but I realized it was probably easier for me to make a tutorial video and physically demonstrate it. I tend to use predominantly Aida fabric, but I’m sure with a sharp needle (switch out the tapestry needle for a sharp needle), you could do the mini pin stitch into the thread of a linen fabric or another evenweave as well.
Below you’ll find the video about how to do a mini pin stitch, and also links to the videos I mention in the newest video. If you have any questions or comments, as always please let me know in the comments below! 🙂
Links in the video
Video – How to Follow a Cross Stitch Pattern
Video – Beginning and Ending Threads: Loop Stitch and Pin Stitch

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