Recently, I was doing some designing of sample cross stitch patterns and I was trying to figure out how exact my DMC color chart for floss compared to the colors I was seeing on my computer screen. In case you don’t know, DMC is the oldest embroidery floss manufacturer in the world and one of the biggest (Anchor is another popular brand). I was trying to hold my printed floss chart against my screen to compare colors, and it just wasn’t working because the chart was so big. I just couldn’t get the edge of each color to lie against my screen. I did compare the DMC floss chart against some actual floss I have lying around, and the colors are a little bit off but they’re not too bad. Unfortunately in Canada it’s pretty hard to get a DMC color chart that is made with real floss rather than printed sent in the mail. For some reason it seems that most of them are only available for US shipping. At any rate, I was trying to figure out how to be more accurate with the colors I was designing with, particularly as some of the colors I use are quite close to each other in tone.
What I decided to do in this little project was to cut my printed chart into strips, kind of like the paint sample color strips you see in hardware stores or decor shops. Basically all I did was cut along the outer edge of each color strip and then punched a hole in the top to put each section onto a binder ring. It was a pretty simple and quick project, but very effective – now I can hold my color chart directly against my computer screen and compare colors easily. I hope you enjoy this video, if you have any questions of course please feel free to leave comments below!

6 Responses
Need chart that converts DMC Tapastry wool
to DMC floss
Can u hep me?
Dana Batho
Hi Rachelle! I’m not sure if such a chart exists, as wool dye and cotton dyes are very different (and obviously the tapestry wool would only be available in certain colours, far less than the embroidery floss or pearl cotton). You could email DMC directly and see if they can help, or you might just have to get the real floss colour chart and manually do comparisons yourself (assuming you have the tapestry colours in hand already). 🙂
Emma Swartz
Dana, You should be able to get a DMC color chart with floss as the samples from Charting Creations, they are Canadian based, have a website and are on Facebook, just tell Nikki I sent you.
Dana Batho
Haha thanks very much Emma! I did actually end up getting one from the UK, even my LNS ordering one would have been around $80. I’ll remember that the next time I need supplies though! 🙂
Just discovered you and your videos while looking for cross stitching software recommendations. Nice work! Really like your idea for cutting up a DMC floss chart. I actually took one (that wasn’t cut up) and taped short samples of each thread onto it. I had an old DMC chart from the 80’s and used those threads, plus new ones which had been added since that time. It is invaluable. I may do something similar with my over-dyeds too (some day).
Dana Batho
Thanks Stephanie, I’m glad my ideas have spurred some ideas for you! 🙂 That sounds like a good idea with your over-dyed threads, I’m sure they’re really beautiful. I actually just bought a floss colour chart that has the actual threads on it as well (as it’s more accurate than the printed version for designing). I did the same thing with it, I cut it into sections and made it into a little “swatch” on a ring. And yes, I love MacStitch/WinStitch (I use both, I have a PC and a Mac). The developer is so approachable, and a lot of questions I’ve asked in the past have become features in the newest versions which is so cool. 🙂