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Matted photo frame decoration

Matted photo frame decoration

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As promised, here’s a post about how I decorated the photo frame project I made as part of my video about how to cut a mat board frame. I have some books (from a dollar shop of course, but they were about $8 each) of different pretty paper, card, and labels, and this was a good opportunity to bust them out and make my photo frame go from just ok to fabulous.



Here are photos of the painting I originally wanted to use as the demo for the mat cutting video. But between gale force winds for a week (meaning I couldn’t get a full sheet of mat board home intact) and finding a pre-cut frame that was pretty much exactly what I was going to do anyway, I decided to make a separate project.


Finished mat photo frame - undecorated
Finished mat photo frame – undecorated


The finished project was too bland for my tastes once I’d cut the mat frame (see the instructional video and post here), so it needed some jazzing up. Below you’ll find a gallery of images detailing what I did, clicking on the images will bring up the descriptions in the captions.


Finished photo frame
Finished piece. I used a long sticker top and bottom for the central panel, and outlined the sides with black marker


So that’s it! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. I’ll always respond as quickly as I can, and I love any feedback you have for me! 🙂



Matted photo frame decoration
Article Name
Matted photo frame decoration
How to decorate a photo frame made of cut mat board using patterned paper and a little creativity. It's perfect for framing art or embroidery!
Publisher Name
Peacock & Fig
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Follow Dana Batho:

Artist and Designer

I am an artist, veteran, analyst, and mommy to the sweetest dog ever. I am constantly thinking of ways to use my creativity in everything I touch despite my physical limitations, and I love encouraging others to do the same.

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