I decided to do a bit more work on my mini oil painting today, and I wanted to experiment more with colour and texture. So I started messing around a bit with some orange, it was “ok” but not amazing. For some reason the tones were just looking muddy to me and not blending in well with the existing colours. I added some more blues (including a bit of teal), and some more pink and red. I also added in a little more white into highlighted areas, and then I added a deep brown that I’d bought (it was a substitute for black which the shop had run out of). The brown helped tie the colours together which was odd to me, I don’t normally use sepia-type tones. I think I’m pretty much done with it now, I just have to wait for it to dry so I can sign it. I’m happy with how it turned out. I’m not super incredibly mind-blown thrilled, but I’m happy, and it’s been a good experiment and a good practice. It’s like I haven’t painted in so long I’ve forgotten how to blend and combine colours. But it was a good trial, and likely I’ll use the other three mini canvases I have for similar projects.
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