Floral? She said floral? Anyone who knows me knows I really dislike traditional floral pieces, I find them too dainty and girly (which I am not, Coco is far daintier than I ever could be). Even though I’m still working on stitching the sample for my Michelangelo piece, I’m always thinking of the next piece. I’m considering doing a cross stitch triptych of flowers (despite my normal aversion to florals), as I have a lot of really lovely vivid close-ups of flowers from my aunt and mum’s gardens. I have no pics of my own flowers as I’m completely hopeless at growing anything, I have a serious brown thumb. Thankfully Coco reminds me to feed him otherwise I’m pretty sure I’d be a horrible doggie mama too. But, some of my photos are really bright and interesting in their detail (and have the same vibrant colours I use in a lot of my work), so I thought they might make a nice triptych. I also realize many people do like floral designs, and I want to design patterns that people enjoy stitching. I’m envisioning making the pattern to incorporate three flowers in one piece, but of course each flower could be stitched and framed (or made into something else) individually.

My first idea is to have three flowers that share a general colour scheme across all three. I played around with the order of the flowers, and I think I like this order as there is purple on either end. The passionfruit flower on the far left is so interesting looking, I can just imagine the work it would take to stitch those petals (but it would be so rewarding to do that). As all three flowers are different shapes, I’m just not sure if they’re that cohesive as a whole.

My next idea was to use one of the flowers and play with the colours and cropping of the original photo. I’ve got two possibilities I’m considering, I like them both.

Thoughts? Any feedback would be very much appreciated, I’m interested to hear which one people like (if any) and why. Please feel free to comment and let me know what you think! 🙂
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